Thursday 13 March 2014

Rose ✿✿✿

Today I've  made a rose and I'm also gonna tell u some benefits of it
Rose is the queen of flowers .There r many benefits of it isuse to make otto, gulkands and boquetes and there many more other benefits of its and one benefit of it is that if u make it on it nails it will look awsm
To make such roses just follow the steps
-add simple white base
-make irregular dots of red
-make some lines on its in order to show that its a rose
-make small leaves using green
-add the shinner and
     ✿✿✿ WALA UR READYYY ✿✿✿

Thursday 6 March 2014

Foot ball nail art

This nail art is specially for sports days
Apply the bases
Next make the foot ball as u can see in the pic
Make the players as shown
(make of ur own choice) by getting idea from the given pic
U can also make a net
So basicly this nail art is inspired by football i've made football nail art bcz its one of  my favourtie game & coz it's quite different

Sunday 23 February 2014

Social media nails

Today my topic is social media I mean fb,indtagram,twitter and so on..
So basicly these things r only for communication among ppl but it is upon u how u use such website some ppl have bad influence of it and some ppl r not infected by it .
So it is useless to say that we should not use fb or etc bcz it is upon u how u creat ur world so enjoy and don't misuse things : )
Have a good day

Saturday 22 February 2014

Chinese fan nail art

This nail art is quite easy and it also didn't take much time when I was makin it so I hope u'll like it and I think if u make it it'll look quite different and if ur participating in any chinese type compitition it'll also Help ya guyz out Im  sure :)
So have a nice day

Bird nail art

Today my nail art is about the freedom of birds bcz  it inspires me alot. Don'nt keep them in ur bloody cages let them live their precious life bcz God has given them this quality that they can fly and can See this beautiful world however we can'nt fly but wish for it sometimes
So live and let live *Yolo*:D
Hope u'll like my nail art
Be happy and make others happy
Have a good day:)